Thursday, October 15, 2009

29 things...


Today is my 29th birthday! I can't believe I have been at this crazy game of LIFE for nearly THREE DECADES! While I have enjoyed much of this journey, there are a few things I seem to be missing that could be most helpful in the next THREE Decades ( I cannot say 30 years, because Tim McGraw sang a little ditty about them )...

1... DO INSPIRATION... You have received inspiration, you have been inspired, but often you don't DO much with it or you get it at an inconvenient time (like laying in bed, lights out, no pencil) and forget it or ignore it.

2... "It is better to SHINE than it is to reflect" & you're done reflecting... time to SHINE on!

3... Use the schedule you work so hard to create. You spend lots of time organizing your time with Excel spreadsheets & calendars, just to cast them aside to appear more like the "fly by the seat of your pants" girl you once were... Your heart needs to embrace the schedule your mind has been wanting for a while now!

4... LOVE exercising again... exercising has become increasingly difficult since getting married... You are a sport playing girl, not a run miles girl & getting married has limited team sport opportunities for you, since they are rarely co-ed & often for the boys only. Time to get moving even if it is running by yourself!

5... Finish the UNFINISHED... You are not the only one with unfinished projects cast aside for a variety of reasons, but the time is here to FINISH each one of them. Forget about the intimidating patterns, forget about perfection & just love creating!

6... READ... for fun and for knowledge...

7... more QUIET TIME ~ free yourself from useless "NOISE".

8... Write that BOOK, you know the one! Just get it done!!

9... Do at least 1 thing each week that makes you uncomfortable & write about it!

10... CREATE... it doesn't matter what!

11... EXPLORE... spend more time in places you've not been, instead of going to the same places time and again...

12... Use the daily goal sheets you worked so hard to make, they will make your days more full, but you know joy will be found in accomplishing so much!! As a side benefit you will have a mini journal of how you spent your time!!

13... be more GREEN!! waste less, conserve more... you know what to do...

14... GET INVOLVED... You've always wanted to run for an elected office, so get to work... find out where you fit...

15... more ACTING... less reacting...

16... Look for what is GOOD & you will find it!!

17... "A good life is not lived by chance but by CHOICE"!! ~Kobi Yamada

18... work out your ideas... they are good, people will benefit from them!

19... "SEW MAKE A DIFFERENCE" will be your reality, just make it sooner rather than later!

20... Use Jeffrey R. Holland's Conference talk "To Young Women" to inspire you now as it has in the past.

21... "Cast Not Away Therefore Your Confidence" ... another Jeffrey R. Holland favorite!!

22... sort the mail everyday! You know how much you hate that pile on the counter!!

23... document your journey... take pictures & write about it...

24... get that FAMILY TREE in order! You love working on it, so put it on that schedule you are going to start using and make time for it.

25... Learn new things... take classes offered by local businesses & remember that the internet is a useful tool for much more than "Facebook".

26... don't make me put a neck sign on you! Just ask for help when you really need it...

27... show people that you appreciate them! Let them know that they are important... You love to hear that from people, so they probably love it too!!

28... stop doing what is easier! In the end you are usually unhappy with the result and then end up working twice as hard once you finish the harder option too.

29... You are you & that's important! Keep working to make yourself the best you can be!

~ Work hard and the next year will be one of the best so far, you'll be able to look back and love all that you've accomplished!