Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A Little Like Home...

We are officially moved into our new house!! While we still have some unpacking to do, it's beginning to feel like our home. Normally when we move there are not many options as to where stuff should go, but this house is quite the opposite, there is enough room that I am having a hard time deciding where stuff should go. I felt like I had every inch of wall space covered I could in our old home, and this house's walls seem quite bare. We hope you are all doing well, and we can't wait for you to come visit!


Alicia said...


I'm so glad you found us! We are in Joseph City, AZ. It's in Northern AZ -where I was raised.

Congrats on the new house. That's so exciting! We need to come check it out sometime, for sure.

AlwaysMee said...

How very exciting to be in a new home! That will be a lot of fun for you. Share your progression in making the house your own.

Debra said...

Congrats on the new house! It sounds like the same issue we're having with our house. We wanted something we could grow into, but I have to keep reminding my husband that someday he'll have to give up some of that "extra" space when we have kids. I have empty cupboards in the kitchen right now, though, and that is so new that I feel weird about it.

Johnna Jayne said...

Wowza!! That house is beautiful. Glad the move went well.