Thursday, November 13, 2008

...a NEW me...

Some days I feel "BROKEN" ... I feel like I have a wealth of knowledge, experience, and talents provided to me by a loving Father in Heaven & even a little work on my part; but I lack MOTIVATION, PASSION, TIME and EMOTION (all things I have control of... GREAT ... there goes the out of blaming someone or something for my current stuck in the mud feeling ; )

~Warning... this is not a pity party for me or a post by which I am begging for your compliments and ego boosting comments!

I just feel a need to chronicle this very important event!

... TODAY ... 11/13/08 ... tHURSDAy ...
I give up many of the THINGS that have been holding me back from using the KNOWLEDGE, EXPERIENCE, TALENTS & POWER I have been BLESSED with and I (with Travis's LOVING support) CHOOSE to no longer hold myself back, but empower myself with the Spirit and the support of many of you!

Here's what I/we have done so far: the cable box was returned, we have decided not to buy the much too big/expensive home we were set to purchase in January & have opted to rent or buy a much smaller place using no more than 30% of our total income as of today ( it's only a place to keep our stuff and sleep and frankly I'm tired of spending so much on a place I rarely see) and be happy with it, instead of wishing for more, I am going to stop worrying about getting pregnant and just enjoy everyday that I have with our without kids, "THINGS" & "STUFF" are no longer on my priority list, they are being replaced with PEOPLE and MOMENTS that matter, but the biggest of all so far is how I will be spending many more of the hours that I am awake...
I am starting a new company and I need some input and a ton of support from you all... first of all your tasks is to see the right side of my blog and help me choose the name of my new company ( I know you were all just getting five minutes of peace after casting your votes last week, but please take a few minutes and know that it is much appreciated) & secondly I am going to give you a brief overview of my business plan & goals and then I would love to hear what you think and if there are other avenues that need to be explored. Thank you in advance for your input! I know that this will be the hardest, most difficult task I have ever undertaken, but because of each of you I know I will never find a better support system under which I can accomplish this.

I have a sincere desire to affect change in the world around me and the world at large. I also know that it is possible to change what the world sees as important; I believe change can happen and it starts by losing judgemental or preconceived ideas about people and their situations and focusing on SERVICE. I am starting a Non-Profit Company aimed at helping those in need, by providing items that can be sewn out of LOVE through the use of donated materials, fabrics & time. Items include blankets to be given out to shelters and the homeless, knitted hats, scarves and mittens for children and adults, bedding for area shelters and burial gowns to be donated to Children's Hospitals. I'm sure the list will lengthen, but these are the immediate needs I see and want to focus on. My aim is to harness the POWER of many who want to help, but are not sure where, how and who to help. I want men and women, children and teens, from expert sewers to beginners, anyone whose heart would like to make a difference is invited to help me move this cause forward!

1 comment:

JenW said...

i totally want to help. sign me up!