Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Am I having a "quarter-life" crisis?

If I live to be 100, a quarter of my life has come and gone & while I have plenty to show for it I also realize I am still basically a toddler where this "grown-up" thing is concerned. I enjoyed my first 25 years without a care in the world. I have been successful at most everything I have attempted... At 27 I have had some great opportunities placed before me. I have had atleast 20 jobs since I started working at 13, and a couple have been jobs I could have built a career around, as I was making a good living; but there is always this snag in the plan... I get BORED... As I round the corner into my 30s I need a challenge; plain and simple... nothing has ever challenged me enough to stick with it. I am not saying that I have mastered everything I have tried to this point; I lose interest long before the point of mastery is even in sight. What is wrong with me? I have been so blessed by knowing that I could accomplish anything and everything I try, but that is also my biggest "skeleton in the closet". At what point do you just pick a career and do whatever it takes to be successful toward that end? As frustrated as I am currently about my lack of decision in this sea of endless possibility, I hope to never settle for a career or LIFE for that matter that is just that "a settlement", when I could have achieved so much more had I just continued the path of challenge and uncertainty toward the "unnamed goal". I would like to name this aforementioned "unnamed goal", but for now it will have to remain nameless. I'm open to suggestions at this point...

1 comment:

Debra said...

I honestly think I've had a quarter-life crisis. Maybe even 2 or 3. And I still don't know exactly what I want to do with my life, even after getting a master's degree in a field, because of my experiences and boredom (or lack of challenges or whatever) in jobs. I am planning on reading "What Color is Your Parachute" which has been recommended to me as a book to help me figure out an answer to the career question.